Process of Illumination

Help me write my BOOK!

I could write a blog post today and catch you all up on what’s been going on the past few weeks… or I could start the process of writing my book. Yes, you read it right. I’m finally ready write a book. In fact, I feel like I NEED to write it. And, it’s about time. I hope you all appreciate how incredibly courageous it is for me to declare …

Featured Blog Post Process of Illumination

AWE-some Days

The timing of this week’s post happens to fall during the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Jewish day of atonement) which are referred to as The Days of Awe. I did not actually know that this period was called that until one of my friends shared it at our Rosh Hashanah dinner on Monday night. I wanted to know more, so I …

Process of Illumination

The Only Voice Worth Listening To

I’m seriously considering “copping out” and just posting a few links to podcasts and videos that I’ve been listening to and watching this past two weeks. I’m not sure how to describe how I’m feeling, exactly, but it kind of feels like a dense energy is around me. It’s heavy and sluggish and still. It makes me want to stay in bed and just watch TV. If I’m less coherent …

Process of Illumination

Spread Your Arms and ALWAYS Trust Your Cape!

This week, there are a bunch of things on my mind. At the moment, because I have just sat down to write, the thing I thought about first is the idea of starting to write a different kind of article, in a different kind of format. I have a friend who is helping me with my marketing and social media strategy and he suggested experimenting with a new format, in …

Featured Blog Post Process of Illumination

Aligning With Our Soul’s Purpose… What Miracles May Come!

This week’s post will be short(ish)… and a day late, too, apparently :) Friday night, August 14th: It’s been a very busy week and I’m feeling pretty drained and not entirely well. It became clear to me yesterday that I need to take a break and recharge. A lot of wonderful and powerful things are going on and there is some serious momentum building. I feel very strongly and intuitively …

Process of Illumination

Permission To Be Fluid

Tuesday morning, 10:46 am… the first Tuesday/creative day/blog day that I’ve actually sat down to write my blog in many weeks, perhaps even months. After last week’s post, I had several people offer their support and encouragement, telling me that they understand my need to make room for other creative/professional pursuits in my life. They made suggestions as to how I could structure it so that I could write less …

Process of Illumination

Multi-tasking Is Not A Real Thing

This week, my mind has been mostly on business. It’s been all about re-branding, organizing my contacts, checking things off my “to do” list, business development meetings, planning the next quarter, etc… I have to say, it’s pretty exciting stuff. It’s definitely a different part of my brain that is in control this week and it is in high gear! I actually got to “zero inbox” twice this week! For …

Process of Illumination

What Would You Do If You Were Fearless?

There are so many things I could write about tonight… There’s the New Moon in Sagittarius tomorrow morning; the fact that I sold my house this week (yippee!); the interesting experience I had at the gym this morning; my A-ha moment regarding the wound connected to my biological father, which I never really talk about; my insight about how so many issues in our lives are based on the fact …

Featured Blog Post Process of Illumination

Breaking Free… After Seventeen Years

This weekend, two of my closest and dearest friends, Jen & Simon, are releasing their new CD “Fate Line” with their amazing band, Jen Schaffer & The Shiners. This event is something that I wanted to write about this week because, not only do I want to promote their band, their new CD and their CD release party (tonight, Saturday November 15th, 8:00pm at The Jam Factory, 2 Matilda St, …