Process of Illumination

The Self-Love Sisterhood: Part Two

So, what is Self-Love, anyway, and why did I choose it to be the focus of the group I recently started called “The Self-Love Sisterhood”?

Last week, the story began in March, 2013, upon my return from a Meditation Retreat in Puerto Vallarta. However, in order to fully answer this question, I will have to back up a bit. In my article, “Take a Breath and Fall In” (March 22, 2013) I share my recent “breakthrough” experience. It came on the heels of a series of events that helped me to realize how I had been perpetuating certain unhealthy patterns in my life. It caused me to re-evaluate my beliefs (yet again) and brought into perspective my over-identification with certain traits and behaviors that I had thought, until then, made me a “good person”.  I had no idea that I had, in fact, laid a trap for myself by not allowing myself to be vulnerable, flawed or to have limitations. I kept feeling I had to live up to an impossible standard of “fixing” everything, being “capable”, “strong”, “compassionate”, “kind”, needing to “understand” and “being of service” and when my human-ness peeked through I felt overwhelmed, inadequate and worthless.  The worst part was that I knew that the only one who could do anything about it was me and so I had to become fully accountable for what I was manifesting.

I cannot lie, it was an excruciating experience to come face-to-face with all the things I have been avoiding about myself for over 50 years. It pushed me way past my comfort zone and challenged me to embrace things that I’d rather forget or reject. But, as I expressed in my earlier article, it was the only way I could have found the treasure at the bottom of the ocean. In fact, the relief was so great that I could not think of the process in any other way but as a supreme act of Self-Love.

So, that’s how Self-Love became the focus for my life and for the group. I realized that, as I learn to fully love and accept myself and make practicing acts of Self-Love my priority, I am simultaneously creating/attracting the life and relationships I want and deserve. Self-Love is the seed we must all plant, feed and nurture in order for everything else in the universe to grow and evolve. You might say I have become a bit of a Self-Love Evangelist.

In my next article, I’ll get more specific about what Self-Love is and some of the common misconceptions we have about it.

Until next week,

Thanks for reading and All Blessings to You…

Believe, Be Love, Be YOU!


If you want to know more about The Self-Love Sisterhood (NOT for women only, btw) and any future programs, talks or workshops, please “like” our Facebook page: You can also follow me personally on Twitter: and Facebook: