Reunion: Part Two

I’m sitting on the porch of my new property, which I am calling ‘StudioBe”. The new sofas for the upstairs offices have all been delivered and are being unpacked and set up, as we speak. The gardener is here to mow the lawn and, as I write, the smell of freshly cut grass and the sound of Snatam’s voice are deliciously tickling my senses. It feels right to be here. …

Reunion: Part One

Today, I sit in my bedroom, as I write. It is Thursday, not Tuesday, which is my regular writing day and I am, obviously, not at Rooster. I have two hours to get this week’s article written before I leave for my sailing class because, tomorrow, I think I’m driving up north again. Of course, I’m not complaining, however I do find it interesting because I’m pretty sure I have …

Riding The Waves Of The Soul

For the past few weeks, I’ve been riding a whirlwind of uplifting, forward-moving energy. I feel that there has been so much happening that it is hard to keep track of it all. At the same time, each experience has held such special meaning for me that I want to write it all down, just so I don’t miss out on the enjoyment and the feelings of appreciation that each of them are worthy of.

So, if you’ll indulge me, I want to share some of the more significantly wonderful things that have been going on for me during the past little while. 

As I mentioned last week, I started sailing classes at Queen’s City Yacht Club on Toronto Island, which is proving to be an incredible experience so far. I’m doing the class with a good friend and we’ve met some fun and interesting new people in the class, including our amazing sailing instructor, Jamie. Due to high winds on our sailing nights so far, we haven’t actually had much time on the water yet but I’m still enjoying every moment, learning how to rig and de-rig, tie knots, the various ways to approach the wind and, of course, the sailing terms. All of this while laughing and sharing beers with the group and enjoying the beautiful backdrop of the Toronto skyline at sunset.

What’s “In Love” Got To Do With It?

Well, it seems as though there are a quite a few people who will miss the “Seven Years Later” series. I had one reader, who I met in person last night, say “What are we going to do? We’ll be going through withdrawal!” That made me laugh out loud :) I know I’ve said this before and I’ll probably say it again and again but I’m just so grateful to …

Seven Years Later… Part Five

I wasn’t really sure where to go with the Seven Years Later series this week. To be honest, I don’t feel ready to write too much about what turned out to be the next important relationship in my life, particularly since it, too, ended relatively recently. However, what I will say about him is that we had an instant and strong soul connection, which took us both by surprise. We …

Me… Daring Greatly

Instead of continuing with my “Seven Years Later” series today, I want to address a theme I noticed this week, which really got me thinking and helped me to become just a little clearer about who I am and what I want. Over the weekend, I was given some feedback by two people in relation to what they read on my blog. In the first instance, the feedback was from …

Seven Years Later…Part Three

Wow, I think I’ve been really nervous about writing the next part of this story. Not only has it been bringing up a lot of emotion for me but I’m also quite concerned about how to share it in the safest way possible. When I mentioned my trepidation to a friend, she asked if maybe it’s because what I’m writing about is too personal. “Yes”, I replied, “but that’s kind …

Seven Years Later… Part One

I’m not sure what is going on with this day all of a sudden. I’m arriving at Rooster late because I was at painting class working on another abstract piece. When I arrived, there were no seats available and they were out of the lemon-ginger scones I always have :( On top of that, I dropped my phone in the toilet. Hmmmm. I will admit that I’ve been a little …

Urgency & Surrender

For the past few weeks, I’ve been writing about love energy –  our capacity for it, what it feels like, where it comes from, how to channel it and where to direct it. What I’ve noticed is that the more conscious I am of how powerful and ever-present this energy is and the more in alignment I feel with my true consciousness, the more I discover how it motivates, maneuvers …