Thanks For Listening

Since last week’s post (“A Scapegoat Story”) I have had some truly illuminating feedback.  It started with a direct comment I received on my blog page. I didn’t respond right away because I wasn’t sure I understood it and I wanted to get clear on what the reader was saying. I also wanted to be sure how I felt about receiving it.  However, before I was even able to take …

A Scapegoat Story

I just took some time to re-read last week’s post (“Is This A Bridge I’m Building?”) because I had a feeling that what I’m dealing with today is a continuation of what came up last week. I don’t often remember the details of what I write about from week to week, so it’s always interesting to go back and see the threads that run through my life, whether I’m conscious …

All In

While Mercury has been in retrograde since October 4th, I have noticed that there are many technology glitches going on so I’m not going to let myself worry about the whereabouts of my previous blog entries just yet, especially since worry has been an issue for me this past week. Yes, I know I said I was in a Spiritual Bubble for a while but It would seem that Worry …

The Definition of a Miracle

Sitting in the Village in Manhattan on a tiny patio at the Malt House Pub. Outside, the sirens blare. I’m drinking a pint of locally brewed Blueprint Toasted Lager backed with a  shot of Jamieson Black Barrel (I think)… or is it the other way around? Which backs which? I used to hate this city when I was in my early 20’s… Just like I hated Vancouver. But since then, …

Welcome To My First Podcast!!!

Well, I am as surprised as you are that this week’s post is actually an audio post. As it turns out, after I chanted and meditated in preparation for writing my blog, I was guided to record an audio post instead. It was a lot of fun to experiment with and I am still learning, of course, but I hope you will listen to this first podcast and share your …

“Be”-ing in the Spiritual Bubble

Well, things are getting a bit surreal these days, even for me! At this very moment, I am participating in a series of online “gazing sessions” with a man named Braco from Croatia. You can read more about him and participate in the sessions yourself here. The series began today at 10:00 am EDT and continue, on the hour, (10:00 – 4:00) every day for 13 days and there is …

Somewhere in the Catskill Mountains

Here we are, in the first week of September and there are many changes taking place. The energy has been pretty intense for the past little while. Do you feel it?  I have always thought of September as a time for new beginnings. As the summer comes to an end, we have to start thinking about getting back into our regular routines. Vacation time is over, kids to go back …

BeComing StudioBe

Well, I’ve made the decision to officially move my practice over from Leaside Therapy Centre to StudioBe. I had thought that I would make the move slowly, over time, and go back and forth for a while but I realize that I have to get off the fence and just do it. The truth is that I’m sad to leave LTC and all the great people I work with there …

Everything Is Changing

Today, my youngest son came home from camp. I was so happy to see him and I realized that, for the first hour after I picked him up at the bus, I had been smiling so broadly that my cheeks began to hurt. Since my eldest son (who is now 24) was 7 or 8 years old I have sent at least one of my kids to camp every year. …