Well, I’ve made the decision to officially move my practice over from Leaside Therapy Centre to StudioBe.
I had thought that I would make the move slowly, over time, and go back and forth for a while but I realize that I have to get off the fence and just do it. The truth is that I’m sad to leave LTC and all the great people I work with there but this is a big move forward for me and the sooner I take the final steps, the sooner I will begin to manifest everything that is waiting for me as a result of this “new beginning”. Having my feet in two places is splitting my energy and I want all of it to be focused on the now and what I am creating in this moment so… as of tomorrow, my furniture is being moved to StudioBe and I will be practicing here full time!
Since I made that decision earlier this week, I’ve noticed that things are really beginning to roll. I’ve come up with some very cool ideas for workshops and I’ve had several people contact me to ask about the space. Last night, my dear friend and multi-talented actor/director/teacher, Linda Kash, became the first to officially join the StudioBe family. Beginning in September, Linda will be working from StudioBe on Tuesdays, offering private coaching for young actors (12:00 -7:00) and teaching improv classes to kids (7:00-8:00) and teens (8:30-9:30). Linda and I are so excited to be able to share this wonderful space and finally become co-creators and collaborators after 40 years of friendship!
How amazing is that?
I could not be happier that my vision for StudioBe is evolving exactly as I had hoped it would… as a collective of like-spirited people who act as both participants and guides on the journey toward true authenticity, deeper connections and greater self-love. StudioBe is a sacred space where anyone can come to discover and “be” who they truly are. Our mission is to inspire and cultivate greater awareness, health, wellness, spirituality, creativity and social change.
It’s an amazing feeling to know, without a doubt, that I have created a real space which reflects everything I stand for. StudioBe is a symbol of my true heart… what goes on inside it’s walls is as sacred to me as what goes on inside my heart.
It has taken me many years and a wide range of experiences to get to a place in my life where I can finally say, with certainty, that I love myself and know my own worth. Yes, I still tend to forget it, from time to time, but the great thing about self-love is that there’s a fail-safe built in: When we truly love ourselves, we choose to only invest in people who are, reciprocally, invested in us. These are the people whom we can trust enough to be vulnerable with, who will have the courage to own their own shit and show up for themselves and for us. These are the people who love us enough to never, ever let us forget who we are.
And that, my friends, is what life is all about.
Since I have learned how to be vulnerable, my heart is wide open.
I feel more.
I risk more.
I grow more.
I hurt more.
I trust more.
I forgive more.
I sense more.
I create more.
I receive more.
I know more.
I love more.
I belong nowhere.
I belong everywhere.
I am unprotected.
I am free.
I am me.
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If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to work with Tracy because you are ready, willing and committed to taking the next, powerful steps on your own journey of personal and spiritual transformation, consider booking a free personal consultation where you will work together to explore the areas in your life which have been aching for transcendence.
Thank you!