Process of Illumination

Karmic Tools from Kelly M Beard: October 2012

See full forecast from

Character cannot be developed in ease & quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared,
ambition inspired, and success achieved.

~ Helen Keller ~

Excerpts from October (Scorpio) 2012 forecast:

·You will encounter more endings this month as your Path is cleared for the new energy to more fully exist in your daily reality. (Your old reality cannot support nor sustain this powerful new energy coming in.)
·You will notice things that used to work, no longer work for you
·You will notice people leaving your Path (for a myriad of reasons) who may or may not ever return
·You will notice you are being forced to face and actually deal with some very dark, repressed parts of your Soul
·You will notice your new Path solidifying as the old Path dissolves behind you
·You will feel initial fear, which will force you to surrender to the process (which is unfolding whether you think you are ready or not)
·You will find that if you do NOT surrender, your Path will be that much more challenging and dark