Seven Years Later… Part Two

I just re-read last week’s post to remind myself of where I left off and I have to say that it was strange to read about one of the most painful times of my life described so matter-of-factly. It’s surprising to me that the emotion of what I went through then, coupled with what is coming up for me recently, didn’t seem to come through with the intensity of how …

Is This A Bridge I’m Building?

I’m not sure what will come out today. I’m sitting in my beautiful, freshly “staged” family room, in front of the fire, feeling that familiar, heavy ball around my sternum that tells me there are some tears that want to push their way up. I’m not sure what they’re about, exactly. It’s actually very interesting to just sit with feelings for a bit before labeling them as one emotion or …

Self-Love…The Daring Way™

My first “Self-Love…The Daring Way™” 8-week group is scheduled to begin Monday, March 17th from 1:00 – 3:00 pm however, a couple of people have requested that we postpone the start date to the following week. If I have enough participants, I will begin on the 17th, as scheduled, so if you plan on attending I will need to know by Friday March 14th. Otherwise, we will begin on Monday March …

Welcoming 5773: A New Year Wish

Dear Friends, Family and Clients, On behalf of my boys and myself, I want to wish you all the very best in the coming year (whenever you may happen to celebrate it :). May it be a year filled with exciting new beginnings and necessary endings. May we atone for our errors and forgive others for theirs, finding mercy and compassion for all human beings. May each of us experience …