1-800-SUICIDE OR 911
Find your local Canadian Mental Health Association Location here
Find a Crisis Centre here
Find Addiction and Treatment Services here
Centre for Addiction & Mental Health (CAMH): Canada’s largest health sciences centre devoted to mental illness and addiction.
Ontario Drug & Alcohol Helpline
Alcoholics Anonymous: Alcoholics Anonymous support group Web site
Canadian Assembly of Narcotics Anonymous: Canadian Web site of the Narcotics Anonymous Association that provides information and services to recovering drug addicts.
DEAL (Drug Education & Awareness for Life): An awareness program that provides information on drugs and drug-related issues.
Health Canada Drug Strategy & Controlled Substances Program
Youth Voices: An interactive Web site designed by youth – for youth – with information on smoking, drugs and sex.
SafeGrad rovides people with tips and advice on how to plan parties so that they’re both great and safe.